On – or rather under the surface of – Delta Quadrant planetoid Tars Lamora, young prisoners are forced to work for the shadowy Diviner – a being who is to desperate to find something hidden within its mines. Dal is a young alien willing to do anything he can...
Retired detective Jim Brass is in his own home when an intruder breaks in, intent on killing him. Brass, though nearly blind, defends himself and survives the attack, but an investigation as to who ordered the hit is initiated and the Vegas Crime Lab starts to go through the...
When a jet-fighter crashes into a Hawai’ian mountainside, Jane Tennant, the head of NCIS’s Pearl Harbor office has to leave her daughter’s baseball game to be flown from the playing-field to the site of the crash. There she has to fight – very effectively – to assert control of...
As the ViCAP team realise the full implications of the River Murders and their connection to Alastor, it becomes a race against time to find Clarice. But Starling has already been taken by Tyler and her only hope of survival is in holding out until her colleagues arrive. Understanding Tyler’s...
Despite threats from powerful people, the ViCAP team finally have enough evidence to raid Alastor Pharmaceuticals. But Hagen and Hudlin seem ready for the raid and the team will have to dig a lot deeper if they want to understand the guilty party’s true motivations. As tracks are covered...
As a massive corporate merger threatens to upend the investigation connecting Alasator Pharmaceuticals and the River Murders, the ViCAP team realise that they can no longer quietly gather evidence in the hope of eventually having an air-tight case. There seems no other option than informing Ruth Martin of their...
The team are slowly closing in on Joe Hudlin, realising, with Julia’s help, that the monies involved in the pharmaceutical scandal could be far higher than imagined – though that may mean Julia taking more risks on their behalf. However, Clarice is drawn away from those meetings when she’s...
After a crazy year caused by covid, it seems that the major networks want to avoid risks and go with proven formula. In this case, more than ever, that means taking far less chances on new or innovative, niche titles and relying on existing franchise titles and expanding them...
As we noted at the weekend, the changing face of modern television has allowed some of the networks to have other options than the basic renewal/cancellation of previous years. It was rumoured that CBS might take some of its more niche shows – the ones with loyal followings but...