The Tardis receives an unexpected delivery, courtesy of the galaxy’s most expansive shipping company, ‘Kerblam!’ and while the Doctor is delighted by the contents, Yaz notices that it also include a secret plea for help – and that’s one thing the Doctor can never turn down. Infiltrating the vast...
As Yaz listens to some of the stories that her grandmother Umbreen tells of her youth she is interested by some of the details that she appears to be deliberately leaving out. Given a recent (off-screen) mishap with Death-Eyed Turtles, Yaz feels the Doctor owes them a more personal...
A life-pod drifts through turbulent space and after many months is picked up by a much larger craft: the USS Discovery. But the sole occupant of the pod finds himself in a sick-bay with no-one else around. Eventually a voice tells him his location and begins to supply his...
While scavenging for parts on a junk asteroid, the Doctor and her team accidentally set off a sonic mine and end up in the Tsungara medical facility, needing time to recover. But time may be a luxury because separated from the Tardis means that there’s no way off the...
After traversing time and space, the Tardis team are finally back in Sheffield, though it seems they’ve hardly been gone at all. However it also appears that something is very wrong in – and under – the city. What turns out to be far more than a missing-persons concern...
Forty year old John Nolan (Nathan Fillion) is feeling adrift. He’s newly divorced and has no idea where he wants to go next. But moments after depositing his divorce papers in his bank’s security deposit box, the bank is the subject of an attempted robbery. Nolan’s bravery – or...
The Doctor lands the Tardis in a back-alley and is only half-surprised to find out it’s not Sheffield circa 2018, but Montgomery, Alabama in the 1950s. Before they can depart, the Doctor detects something amiss: signs of misplaced energies that indicate time-travel that precedes their arrival. Deciding to investigate,...
It’s the 1990s and Olivia and Hugh Crain and their children (Steve, Shirley, Theo, Luke and Nell), has moved into Hill House, planning to clean it up over the summer months, do a few essential renovations and quickly flip the property, making a profit and allowing them to build...
The last time we saw The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and her new friends, her calculations had gone askew and instead of materialising with the Tardis, they’ve been left floating in the vacuum of space. Sadly, they all die – and that’s the episode done. Or… not. No, just in...