• Annihilation: Smothered Nature is root of problem…

    It’s been months since Lena (Natalie Portman) lost her husband Kane (Oscar Isaac) when he was apparently killed during a secret military mission. An ex-army soldier herself she always knew there were dangers and secrets in serving one’s country but the loss is still profound, increased by the lack...
  • Signs of the Time: ‘Ebbing’ is sacred and profane…

    Mildred Hayes (Frances McDormand) daughter was murdered seven months ago. Not just murdered, but raped and burned and left on the side of a country road. The police haven’t found her killer and however horrific the crime, the town of Ebbing has slowly moved on.  But Mildred can’t and...
  • Roar, the Beloved Country? ‘Panther’ pounces…

    Forced to take the throne after the assassination of his father (during Captain America: Civil War), T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) has the hard task of balancing the outward world’s view of Wakanda, with the secret that his country is far more advanced than anyone realises. The country’s rich source of...
  • ‘Please Stand By…’ for an away mission with heart…

    Wendy Welcott (Dakota Fanning) is a young woman with emotional problems, living in a San Francisco community house run by the often over-worked but always caring Scottie (Toni Collette). Wendy has her careful daily routines involving chores and an undemanding job serving complimentary pastries at a local fast-food outlet...
  • Winchester: Old school horror gets a realty check…

    Compromised and soon-to-be-impoverished psychiatrist Eric Price (Jason Clarke) is beginning to wonder whether his own addictions may have been the downfall of an otherwise respected career but he is approached to evaluate the mental state of Sarah Winchester (Helen Mirren), the widow of the man who created the famous...
  • Locking down the Insidious key to success… (DVD)

    New Mexico, 1953, and a young Elise Rainier must cope with her ability to see the undead with the regular punishments her abusive father dishes out for each ‘transgression’. When Elise’s mother is killed by something lurking below the house, the family bonds become even more strained and as...
  • Ripping Yarn: ‘Limehouse Golem’ stages a bloody tale…

    London in the late 1800s, a few years before Jack the Ripper will cut his way through the back-streets. But another monster is already there, apparently randomly murdering men, women and children and nicknmaed the ‘Limehouse Golem’ by the local rags. It’s a moniker the killer seems to have...
  • Graves Anatomy: ‘Flatliners’ is neither heaven nor hell…

    Nearly a decade ago, Courtney (Ellen Page) lost her young sister in a car accident caused by Courtney being distracted by her cell phone. It’s an event for which she’s never truly forgiven herself, but it did spur her on to become a doctor and to try and save...
  • The Sound

    ‘Sound’ advice: Avoid this trick or trope ‘horror’…

    Kelly Johansen (Rose McGowan) is a blogger who specialises in debunking the supernatural. As tech-smart as she is snarky, she uses  sophisticated audio  technology to spot possible causes and then relaying her findings to her grateful audience. Receiving an anonymous heads-up about a haunted subway station in Toronto, she...