• Ashes to Ashes: FOX’s ‘Dark Phoenix’ X-Men finale flames out…

    It’s the 1990s and Charles Xavier’s dream of mutants being judged as regular people, even considered ‘superheroes’ who can help in a crisis, seems to have been fulfilled. Though it’s not perfect, there’s a tolerance and co-existence that he’s sought all his life.  When the Endeavor space-shuttle runs into...
  • Hallowed Grounding: #TimesUp for Michael Myers?

    Forty years ago, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) was the only survivor of a horrific massacre as Michael Myers turned the holiday of Hallowe’en into a buzzword for bloody murder. Though her physical scars healed, the mental ones did not and she always believed that the almost supernaturally-empowered figure...
  • The Predator: An alienated Fumble in the Jungle…

    Quinn McKenna (Boyd Holbrook) is a sniper with a group of black-ops soldiers taking down a cartel in Mexico.  Unfortunately their mission goes wrong, due in large part to the crashing of what appears to be an alien craft in to the nearby jungle. After encountering its occupant, McKenna...
  • Skin in the Game: Spike Lee nails ‘BlackKklansman’…

    It’s the early 1970s and Ron Stallworth (John David Washington) makes the fateful decision to join the Colorado Springs Police Department. He will be their first black police-officer and though the Powers-That-Be seem to actively discourage him, he’s determined to make a difference, even if it means starting in...
  • Sorkin’s ‘Molly’ hedges its bets… (DVD)

    In the middle of the night Molly Bloom (Jessica Chastain) gets a phone-call that will change her life. It’s the FBI, they are outside her door, armed and they have a warrant for her arrest. Molly, once a ski-champion with realistic Olympic dreams, found her life going off on...
  • Less than Zerø: ‘Snowman’ gets frosty reception…

    Oslo police detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender) wakes up in a cold park on the edge of the city after a bender of week-long proportions. Arriving at work, his superior notes that this downward spiral can’t continue or be covered up much longer. Harry needs to get his act...
  • The Coulrophobia* of Money. Why ‘IT’ was a hit…

    1986: Young Georgie Denbrough is not the first child to go missing in the township of Derry, Maine… nor will be be the last. However, in a community scarred by the loss of some of their young, it is ironically a group of loners who start to feel the...
  • Free Fire

    Unscrupulous Suspects: ‘Free Fire’ feels the burn…

    1980s’ Boston… and a group of ne’er-do-wells meet in a dockside warehouse to conclude a deal for arms. Some want money. Some want guns. Some just want their cut. Nobody trusts anyone else, but everyone wants the deal to go down as smoothly as possible and then to get...
  • ‘Split’ Decision: Shyamalan’s disorderly conduct…

    Three girls, Claire (Hayley Lu Richardson), Marcia (Jessica Sula) and loner Casey are abducted from a mall, kidnapped by a figure (James McAvoy) who slides into the car and chloroforms them without speaking. They awake in an underground cell, scared by the psychotic man holding them. But their anger and...