Jack Ryan (John Krasinski) once served on the frontline of the war on terror but the soldier-turned-CIA analyst knows that there’s as much value in tracing money transactions as there is in sending drones into combat – and he’s sure that the financial trail he’s been following indicates not...
Camille Preaker (Amy Adams) is a talented yet troubled journalist whose drinking is looking more and more likely to upend any chance of a notable career. In an effort to give her space and opportunity, her boss Frank Curry (Miguel Sandoval) assigns her to cover a murder story of...
A computer program designed by CIA analyst Joe Turner (Max Irons) to identify unknown terrorist threats in foreign countries appears to be validated when a team halt and kill a man near a sports-stadium in the US and it is claimed he was going to set off a dirty...
Working as a CIA analyst is a mixed bag for Joe Turner (Max Irons). He’s a nice guy who wears his heart on his sleeve – tackling domestic terrorism by day and floundering to sort his domestic arrangements by night. But he’s good at his job and intuitive on...
Andy (Martin Freeman), his wife Kay (Susie Porter) and their infant daughter Rosie drift down the Murray River in Southern Australia in a small houseboat – keeping well away from the banks and the dangers that the barren wastelands on each side offer. The world has gone to hell,...
Though it had a notoriously problematic production and plenty of controversial delays on its journey to the screen, there’s little doubt that the first season of HBO‘s Westworld was worth waiting for. From its memorable credit sequence through to its complex post-modern sentient robot reboot of the original Michael...
As part of an exodus to another star-system, the Jupiter 2 is a shuttle that abandons a space-station hub but finds itself separated from the other shuttles and one of the few to survive crash-landing on a unclassified, unexplored planet below. The Jupiter 2’s crew are the Robinsons –...
High above the Earth a space-station valiantly tries to get its energy-source and particle beam working, hoping that it will put an end to the geo-political tensions on the planet below. Time after time, those efforts fail and the crew, still in space after two years of what was...
When a young child’s body is found on New York’s Williamsburg Bridge circa late 1800s, it’s clear that a heinous murder has taken place. The boy, dressed as a girl and thought to be one of the young prostitutes at a local brothel and has been found with his...