With Picard imprisoned and in failing health, Romulan forces speeding to annihilate the planet and the Synths preparing to light a beacon that could destroy all organic life, it appears that it could be the worst of all worlds. Narek and the crew of the La Sirena reluctantly find...
By way of sub-space speeding, the La Sirena arrives at Soji’s home-planet, one that she now recalls is called ‘Coppelius’ . Unfortunately… they’ve been followed by Narek. Fortunately… they’ve also been followed by Seven of Nine and Elnor aboard the restored Borg cube and so a fire-fight begins above...
As the crew of La Sirena argue about their next move, it seems that the broken pieces of their relationships will have to be mended quickly rather than perfectly. As understandable distrust keeps its foothold, it’s time for some frank conversations, stark confessions and revelations about the past. Meanwhile...
Picard (Sir Patrick Stewart) and Soji (Isa Briones) travel through the emergency portal and arrive on the planet of Nepenthe where they are greeted by a figure who appears to be a young girl in furs, out hunting in the woods. However appearances can be deceiving and soon the...
Picard and the crew of the La Sirena now know where to find Soji (Isa Briones), but getting permission to travel to – and enter – the Borg ‘Artifact’ will mean slicing through some substantial red tape that no-one has time to navigate. But even when a solution is...
It’s New York, circa 1977: Jonah Heidelbaum (Logan Lerman) lives with his grandmother Ruth (Jeannie Berlin) and though he respects the Jewish religion they both share, he finds himself more concerned with simply surviving the everyday pressures of wanting to financially-support the household and avoiding the police and thugs...
Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew of the La Sirena arrive at Freecloud , a neon-hued, elitist hive of scum and villainy that caters for all tastes as long as you have cold, hard credits. It’s here that Bruce Maddox (John Ales), the man who created Dahj and Soji...
Fourteen years ago, Picard oversaw the handling of refugees from the doomed world of Romulus and his visit to one such planetary safehold at the time, Vashti, was met with support and gratitude. But it was during his visit that he learned of the Synth attack on Mars… an...
Fourteen years ago, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard demanded that Star Fleet accept his plans to save Romulan refugees or else accept his resignation. To his surprise, they choose the latter and – just like that – his distinguished career was over. But his decision has effects on others and his...