As The Smithsonian readies to receive the gift of Captain America’s shield and open an exhibition to the life of Steve Rogers, two of his frontline partners find themselves at respective crossroads as they try to figure out their own lives in the wake of his legacy. For Sam...
Agatha is convinced that Wanda is now channeling the multiversal power of the Scarlet Witch and that’s power she wants for herself at any cost and so begins a battle for the chaos magic. The White Vision arrives to kill Wanda’s own version of the synthezoid and Hayward sees...
Agatha Harkness has Wanda Maximoff as her prisoner, but it soon becomes clear that the West View phenomena is not of the ancient witch’s own making – rather she has been manipulating the existing events to discover the source of Wanda’s enhanced abilities. In an effort to pinpoint that...
With West View’s outer perimeter expanded and Darcy pulled into Wanda’s askew reality, the SWORD survivors plan their next move – but Monica has her own plans for getting inside to help her friends. Inside the town Wanda’s looking for some alone time and the Vision is looking for...
The sit-com facade appears to move into the 1990s format, but Vision plans to investigate what’s scaring him during West View’s Hallowe-en festivities. As Wanda and her brother go ‘trick or treating’, young Tommy and Billy display powers of their own and Pietro doesn’t seem to be a good...
It isn’t easy raising two infants, especially when they age too fast. But that’s not the only thing bothering the Vision as he begins to notice not only cracks in his world’s facade but also that Wanda doesn’t seem to be as worried about them as he is. As...
When Thanos snapped half the universe out of existence it seemed like a tragedy. But even the defeat of Thanos and the subsequent return of the ‘lost’ after five years has not been without its own problems. Monica Rambeau missed the passing of her mother and her work as...
Time is an illusion, pregnancy doubly so. Wanda’s unexpected and impossible condition continues at speed as technicolor comes to their not-quite-picture-perfect world. There’s little time to note the changes in the world around them, or the fact that their neighbours haven’t aged a day… because hours after discovering she’s...
Joe Gardner (Jamie Foxx) is a middle-school band teacher who takes pride in inspiring the students of tomorrow even if it can be difficult and with few rewards in the short-term. It was never what he intended to do, but his family made sacrifices along the way to ensure...