The innate problem with creating an anthology of stories around the Predator race is that the franchise itself has mostly had one story to tell, hunter/hunted, which it has sought to do over and over again to varying degrees of success. The film franchise (that began with the famous...
Naru is an accomplished tracker and is becoming more and more adept at skills that could serve her Comanche tribe well. However, the elders – even her supportive brother – feel that a young woman’s place is not in the heat of battle nor the in danger of hunting...
The Predator franchise has had its ups-and-downs over the years, from classic highs to questionable lows, reinventions, collaborations and unproduced scripts. Arguably, some of the most popular outings of recent years have been of the unofficial variety with quality ‘fan-films’ such as Predator: Dark Ages that pitched the alien...
Quinn McKenna (Boyd Holbrook) is a sniper with a group of black-ops soldiers taking down a cartel in Mexico. Unfortunately their mission goes wrong, due in large part to the crashing of what appears to be an alien craft in to the nearby jungle. After encountering its occupant, McKenna...
The recent trailer for Shane Black’s The Predator was fine in and of itself, but didn’t seem to represent the ‘R’ rated aspect we’d been promised by the film-maker and the production. The first footage we were seeing dealt with the idea of a young boy accidentally triggering a...