Emma Larsimon (Victorie Du Bois,) is a seemingly petulant and self-absorbed writer of horror fiction; something of an aloof international celebrity with her ongoing saga that has her hero, Lizzie Larck, facing off against an otherworldy witch named Marianne. In the books, her evil creation can apparently jump from...
Summers change everything and when Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo) returns from summer-camp, boasting of a new love, he’s somewhat disappointed to find that the romances between Eleven (Mille Bobby Brown) and Mike (Finn Wolfhard) and Max (Sadie Sink) and Lucas (Caleb McLoughlin) seem to be demanding much of their time...
Chris Gilhaney’s life is not what it was. He divides his time between grief-counselling groups and providing an Uber-like service in his car. Chris (Andrew Scott) quietly meditates in his taxi, searching for a temporary moment of peace in an existence that is now far too loud for him....
Danny and Karl are long-time friends who party all night and all day and don’t have a care in the world… even Danny’s girlfriend, Theo is often a willing participant in living life to the full. But times evolve and over a decade later, Danny and Theo have settled...
When Lucifer was cancelled by FOX after three seasons, its fanbase got pro-active and made it known they’d follow the show and support it if someone else was to pick it up. At almost literally the eleventh hour, Netflix stepped up and did just that, bringing the show back...
When a caving group finally manage to enter a vast series of underground caverns, they think they’ve made a significant breakthrough, but instead they’ve initiated an historical breakout as a previously unknown breed of winged creatures pour out of the new opening and out in to the wider world. ...
Thanos only removed fifty per cent of the Marvel superhero universe…. Netflix is upping it and cleaning their entire slate. In a move that will disappoint but probably surprise no-one, industry site Deadline confirms that Netflix have formally cancelled both The Punisher and Jessica Jones, their last remaining collaborations with...
For several years there have been rumours of an Alien-related television show, though so far they’ve come to (astro-)nought. This week’s latest information seemed to suggest plans to bring it to the hulu platform, but offered very few specifics. HN Entertainment‘s site claims that they have an exclusive: a...
As we mentioned (and reviewed) in the last month, Travelers was one of those time-travel shows that managed to approach the various staples of the genre in new and refreshing ways and showed its cast of characters sticking around to deal with the repercussions of their effects on the...