In quite the deep-dive into decades’ old comics, original Deadpool and Terminator: Dark Fate director Tim Miller has been announced to helm a version of a classic Epic/Marvel property. Though many younger readers may have never heard of Alien Legion, the title (co-created by Carl Potts, Alan Zelenetz and...
Yes, the storms of wholesale cuts, cancellations and restructuring of Warner Bros.‘ output shows no sign of fading into a calmer sea anytime soon. Announcements over the last twenty-four hours include the following: Despite seeming assurances of stability to the public earlier this month, both Shazam: Fury of the...
John Mosby provides an overview of a turbulent week for Warner Bros, DC and the strategies of multimedia titans… It’s Friday am in America and do you know where your superheroes are? It has not, in any way, been a great week for extended DC comic-related news. While The...
Thomas Anderson is a game-developer who is being pressured to write a sequel to his best-selling ‘Matrix’ games. He is surrounded by young acolytes who muse about the deeper meanings of the franchise and takes medication to keep him from obsessing too much about his nightmares, but still has...
For years the island of Themyscira has remained hidden, its population of immortal women living in what appears to be a paradise, but training for the day when, they believe the God of War, Ares, will have to be faced for the sake of all mankind. Diana (Gal Gadot)...