The world has been decimated by a mysterious force of unknown origin: humanity dead or scattered, driven to end their lives or fall into madness at the mere sight of creatures that cannot be looked upon. Some believe it’s aliens, some believe it’s Biblical punishment, but whomever or wherever...
In the Arctic, the Russian nuclear submarine Sebastopol appears to be attacked by an unknown external enemy, but realises – too late – that the problem comes from within their own systems. Fake news takes on a whole new meaning when it turns out that an AI program (or...
Indiana Jones never liked Nazis – too often their pursuit of power got in the way of his pursuit of history. But by the time the 1970s come around, Henry ‘Indiana’ Jones may feel his best days are behind him. He’s lost his family and the students he tries...
Barry Allen may not be up-to-speed on social interaction but has managed to refine his powers as ‘The Flash’ into an effective and sometimes inventive way to fight crime and save lives… but when his frustration over his father’s impending trial leads him to travel faster than he has...
The High Evolutionary is a cosmic entity driven to create the perfect world, inhabited by perfect creatures. Each time he fails to fulfil that dream, he merely burns it to the ground and starts again. However he belatedly realises that the only creature that survived his experiments – and...
In the wake of saving the universe, Scott Lang has settled into a routine of doing book-tours, being mistaken for Spider-man and despairing over his daughter following in his previous petty-crime footsteps. To be fair, her arrests are more to do with standing up for the little guys and...
Eric and Andrew and their adopted daughter Wenn are taking a well-earned break at an isolated cabin when the young girl is approached by an imposing figure who calls himself Leonard. Unfortunately, Leonard and his friends – Sabrina, Adriane and Redmond – have come to deliver some bad news....
It’s over ten years since Jake Scully went undercover, taking on the ‘avatar’ from of a member of the Na’vi tribe on the planet of Pandora and ultimately going AWOL from his unit to protect the indigenous tribes from the Earth people determined to steal the planet’s resources. Now...
The kingdom of Wakanda is in mourning as their king, T’Challa, dies, but as the country celebrates his life and memory, there are those who find it hard to accept his passing and those who would take advantage of a land suddenly without its most prominent protector. T’Challa’s sister...