Following the defeat of the Galactic Empire, Anakin Skywalker’s former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, continues her quest to investigate an emerging threat to a vulnerable galaxy. Following the clues provided in ancient tombs and star-maps she is still trying to track and locate Admiral Thrawn, the ruthless imperial leader whose...
Gravik has demanded that Fury bring him the ‘Harvest’ a collection of the superhero DNA recovered after the battle with Thanos and which will turn him into a truly ‘Super-Skrull’. It would seem Fury, battered and bruised, has no choice but to comply, otherwise Gravik will turn the Earth...
Fury rushes President Riston to hospital but while securing him immediate aid, can’t then stop faux-Rhodey and his team from taking over that security. They in turn manage to convince the President that striking New Skrullos, the base within the borders of Russia may be the only preemptive move...
Gravik believes he’s eliminated the mole in his terrorist network and decides to further his plan with more offensives to draw the world into more conflict and political as well as radioactive fallout. Believing G’iah to be dead, he moves his attention to Nick Fury, passing on the order...
As Fury and Priscilla sit down for a long-overdue heart-to-heart, Talos seeks out a meeting with Gravik in an effort to diffuse the possibility of a coming war. But Gravik suspects a traitor in his ranks and sets up what he perceives as a no-lose scenario. He’ll either start...
In the aftermath of the attack in Russia, Maria Hill is dead and Nick Fury looks likely to be taken into custody if his friends don’t act fast. However the damage is already done: Fury’s forces are depleted, the world leaders and news services ponder the implications and Gravik’s...
It’s been three decades since Nick Fury and Carol Danvers promised refugee Skrulls that they would find them another home and gave them a temporary sanctuary on Earth. But in that time, Fury and Danvers have had to face other dangers, their roles waxing and waning as they are...
Moff Gideon has sprung his trap on Mandalore and despite his supposed distaste for clones, appears to be readying his own program with himself as a template. Even as Bo-Katan and the remaining Mandalorians race to escape and alert the fleet, Din finds himself captured. if Gideon cannot be...
Bo-Katan may have convinced more of the Mandalorian warriors to join her cause and return with her to Nevarro, but a greater mission lies before them – if only they can all settle their differences. If the Mandalorians are to regain their position and homeworld, they must return there...