
  • Control-Alt-Deleted? Debris’ Groundhog daze plays mix + match…

    Frank and Finola have to decide how they are going to proceed with their own conspiracy. George Jones may be alive but may not remain so for long if the CIA and MI6 learn of his survival. The agents take him to a fellow Orbital scientist Gary Garcia who...
  • NEW-TV: More than ‘The X-orcist Files’, ‘Evil’ delivers the goods…

    Dr. Kristen Bouchard (Katja Herbers of Westworld) balances the everyday job of being an ‘expert scientific witness’ with a willingness to hear opposing viewpoints and challenge them. More often than not, she’s hired to challenge alibis, excuses and motives and she’s very good at analysing deception.  However, she’s more...
  • UFO! DNA! FBI! WTF??? Why the latest X-Files is DOA…

    Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) is rushed to hospital after having a seizure and neither Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) nor Assnt. Director Skinner (Mitch Pillegi) have any idea what’s wrong. Even the doctors are mystified by the activity that appears to be going on inside her head. When she...