Stephen King

  • Memento Moore: King adapts his ‘Lisey’s Story’ as study in grief, not horror…

    Two years ago, Scott Landon (Clive Owen) – the acclaimed mystery horror writer – was gunned down, leaving his wife Lisey (Julianne Moore) with only her memories of their life together. Physically, Lisey is well taken care of, a home an estate and her everyday needs met. But there...
  • ‘IT: Chapter 2’ – Losers Club set to win again..?

    Stephen King’s original novel IT was a weighty tome coming in at over a 1000 pages and detailed the way that a demonic-entity – who has the persona of a clown named Pennywise – terrorises a group of young kids (‘The Losers Club’) and then years later when they all return...
  • ‘Stand’ and be delivered – to CBS All Access…

    Back in 1994 America’s ABC network ran a four-episode limited series, on consecutive nights, based on the acclaimed Stephen King story, The Stand  featuring the likes of Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald and and Rob Lowe in key roles. King’s story deals with an post-apocalyptic take between the possible personfications of good...
  • Hulu anthology ready to ‘Rock’ King’s hometown horror…

    As even the most casual of Stephen King fans know, a lot of his stories take place in or around the town of Castle Rock, the fictional Maine enclave which has seen murderous clowns, possessed cars, rabid dogs and no shortage of dead bodies and deadly intents. So perhaps...