Much to her annoyance and frustration, Loki follows his variant through the newly-opened portal and so begins a cat-and-mouse chase with various interested parties in pursuit. They managed to avoid their pursuers, but in an ill-judged gambit, the two find themselves on the barren world of Lamentis-1. Perhaps the...
Now that Loki has been seconded to deal with another ‘variant’ causing chaos in the timeline, the question is whether ‘our’ Loki can be trusted? The answer, of course, is… no, though for the sake of self-interest, both he and Mobius know he’ll work hard to prove he’s smarter...
After several glimpses earlier in the month, we’re finally getting a better look at the upcoming Marvel Studios film Eternals. Directed by recent Oscar-winner Chloé Zhao, the film follows the trials and tribulations of the cosmic race and family of the title and the way they shaped the earliest...
The original Venom film, released in 2018, was something of a mixed bag. Part of SONY‘s Marvel Studios-Adjacent titles it occupied the space that couldn’t quite compare to its MCU cousins on character-development and CGI-budget, but despite withering reviews worked fairly well as a guilty-pleasure. Based on the famous...
Though COVID has caused considerable problems with the scheduling of all their projects, it looks like ‘Phase 4‘ of Marvel Studios‘ plans are about to kick into high gear. This morning the studio released a promo that looked back over past successes and reaffirmed their commitment to already-announced, full-on...
Karli and her Flag-Smashers want to make one final display of their cause, but if it involves murdering the executives of the the GRC, then an array of different forces are prepared to stop them. Sam Wilson, complete with a new, rebuilt costume and Bucky Barnes race to New...
For the best part of a decade Emilia Clarke played Daenerys Targaryenin, the ‘Mother of Dragons’ in HBO‘s Game of Thrones (only her third professional acting job), but it was the role that launched her career to a whole new level. After the show’s controversial ending, she went on to other genre...
Marvel Studios‘ Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings began filming early in 2020 was originally due for release in May, then moved to July and now September 2021, just one of the many, many scheduling casualties of the covid pandemic. It’s an interesting choice for Marvel,...
If reports on industry site The Hollywood Reporter are true then Marvel may be looking to cast a right royal actor for a key role in their upcoming Disney+ series Secret Invasion. Olivia Colman, who most recently played Queen Elisabeth II in The Crown (but whose other work includes...