Justice League

  • ‘Justice’ served – But is 4hr Snyder Cut in League of its own..?

    Superman is gone and it’s left to Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince to seek out other super-powered beings to join them  for a battle they sense is coming. But can they put together a team that can defend the Earth from a powerful cosmic force, one that has already...
  • Hallelujah, anyway: HBO Max’s ‘ Snyder Cut’ gets new trailer…

    There’s much been made about the upcoming Snyder Cut of 2017’s Justice League. As we’ve noted previously, Snyder began as the director of the DC hero-uniting movie (starring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg) but had to step away because of a family tragedy. The directing...
  • It Cuts Both Ways: First glimpse of FOUR-HOUR ‘Justice League’…

    Most people now know that 2021 will bring Zack Snyder’s own cut of the Justice League to HBO Max. Director Joss Whedon finished the movie in 2017 after Snyder had to leave the project due to a family bereavement and with it came a large amount of controversy –...
  • Flash! Bang! Wallop! Affleck and Keaton return as a dynamic duo…

    In a week with lots of comics-to-movies news, there’s more announcements coming out of Warners/DC ahead of their massive online fan convention ‘Fandome‘ this weekend. We already knew that Michael Keaton was going to appear in a ‘substantial’ supporting role in The Flash film (currently due for release in...
  • A ‘League’ of its Own?: Can the ‘Snyder Cut’ both ways?

    The existence of a ‘Snyder Cut‘ of Justice League had become something of a joke and a cause celebre in the last few years. It relates to the fact that during a possibly turbulent production, controversial director Zack Snyder had to cut short his duties on the Justice League...
  • SDCC: Aquaman nets a Christmas release…

    It’s been a long-standing joke that Aquaman seemed to be the runt of the comics litter – or more accurately the tiddler in the sea of superheroes. The simplistic and bright orange costume and his ability to talk to the creatures of the sea were often played as a...
  • Justice League: The Mourning after the Fight Before…

    Superman is dead, killed at the hands of Doomsday and General Zod and leaving Bruce Wayne feeling somewhat responsible for his demise and the fight that preceded it. Believing that the entire planet may be facing an apocalyptic threat in the near future, Bruce and Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)...
  • Amazon Primed? Wonder Woman comes to DVD…

    For years the island of Themyscira has remained hidden, its population of immortal women living in what appears to be a paradise, but training for the day when, they believe the God of War, Ares, will have to be faced for the sake of all mankind. Diana (Gal Gadot)...