On a distant, seemingly barren planet named Keplar-22b, a ship carrying two AIs and a selection of embryos crashes down and begins a new chapter in the battle for humanity’s soul. The two AIs ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ attempt to fertilise the embryos and raise the resulting infants to help...
It’s Sam Dimas, California 2020 and William ‘Bill’ S. Preston Esq. (Alex Winter) and Theodore ‘Ted’ Logan (Keanu Reeves) leave couple-of-couples therapy with the princess wives only to be informed that the efforts of the two previous films have yet to produce the song that would unite the world. That’s an...
The very idea of bite-size dramas speaks to the modern malaise of attention-defecit disorder, the presumption that a viewer’s attention will wander after little more than the length of an ad-break or sketch on SNL. The mission statement of Quibi is to provide such content for those who are...
Los Angeles, 1932: When a child is stolen and a ransom demand at the iconic Angels Flight goes horribly wrong, the police and the public demand swift and extreme justice for a dead child. But a web of lies, deceit and duplicity cloud the issue and lawyer E B...
Ensign Boimier (Dan Quaid) dreams of one day making it to the rank of Captain aboard a starship, but for now he’s stuck on the lower decks of the U.S.S. Cerritos and determined to show everyone he can follow rules to the letter. That doesn’t always endear him to...
In a series of Antarctic expeditions acclaimed scientist Arthur Wilde (John Lynch) and his team may have uncovered a bacterial way to possibly halt global warming, but the process is long, laborious and ultimately expensive – especially if it’s going to be a practical and financial success. Each cycle...
In the future metropolis of New London, its citizens are divided into classes. The Alpha and Beta classes have the authority over the likes of the Delta, Gamma and Epsilon and depending where you fit in, the resources of the city are at your disposal or you are. Monogamy...
An elite group of mercenaries carefully pick the missions they take – judging them by their moral imperatives and the good that can be done in the world. Despite reservations from their leader Andy (Charlize Theron), they meet with an ex-CIA operative named Copley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and are persuaded to help...
Fine. Okay. You’d be forgiven for scoffing – not since Buffy the Vampire Slayer has a show so unapologetically set out its stall with a title specifically designed to dare you to write it off before viewing a single frame. The Warrior Nun moniker seems to have the carefree...