Frustrated comedian Arthur Fleck murdered a chat-show host on live television and while he’s turned into something of a celebrity, the legal system is ready to try him for his crimes. But can Fleck, still adrift from reality and at the mercy of Gotham’s Arkham State Hospital and institutions...
Conscripted by the industrial complex of the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, there are few choices for those simply working to get by and so when Rain and Andy, who initially appear to be a brother and sister, are cheated out of their contract-end, they look to a different strategy. Cautiously, the...
Aboard the SABER (Strategic Aerospace Biophysics and Exolinguistic Response) space-station, high above the Earth, Nick Fury is trying to get further information about why surges are happening across the jump-point system that should normally allow interstellar travel. Independently both Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau experience a flux in those...
In a world where AI-technology made a significant impact on society, but came into a cultural clash with humanity, it’s both perilous to be a human or a robot. In the West, AI is outlawed, in the East they are given sanctuary, but the battle-lines are often far from...
The Demeter is about to set off on a voyage across the sea from Eastern Europe to London. Its unusual cargo is a serious of crates with a dragon-like emblem stamped upon them and some of the usual reliable harbour-help refuse to deal with them. Seeking passage to England,...
John Sheridan is leaving Babylon 5 for the last time, ready to assume his role not as just the commander of a space-station but President of the Interstellar Alliance, the face of a whole movement. With mixed feelings, he departs Babylon 5 with his wife Delenn and readies himself...
Tim Ballard is a member of a Homeland Security trying to make a dent in the sex-traffiking of minors – but a majority of the missions and cases simply take street-level perverts off the street and do little to stop the flow across international borders. Tired of making too...
Even after the passing of his love Suyin, Jonas Taylor has stayed with the Oceanic Institute dividing his time between caring for Suyin’s daughter Meiying and risking his neck to expose those who would pollute the oceans. When a new initiative is proposed, returning to the Marianas Trench to...
Stereotypical Barbie enjoys the everyday generic life in Barbieland, celebrating a consistent life of never-ending non-surprises. So, when she suddenly starts to feel tired even introspective it completely unnerves her. She’s goes to see Weird Barbie, the one inhabitant of the town that might have some answers. It seems...