After several glimpses earlier in the month, we’re finally getting a better look at the upcoming Marvel Studios film Eternals. Directed by recent Oscar-winner Chloé Zhao, the film follows the trials and tribulations of the cosmic race and family of the title and the way they shaped the earliest...
Over the years, the Highlander franchise has produced one of the most passionate and – let’s be honest – patient fandoms around. Despite the genuine love for the original film (starring Christophe Lambert, Clancy Brown and Sean Connery) and the long-running television series (featuring Adrian Paul, Peter Wingfield, Elizabeth...
After several years of rumours about a potential film project, once linked to a Joss Whedon-penned script he would also direct, it has been confirmed that Batgirl is set for her own solo movie. This time Bad Boys for Life duo Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah will share directing duties and with the...
After a crazy year caused by covid, it seems that the major networks want to avoid risks and go with proven formula. In this case, more than ever, that means taking far less chances on new or innovative, niche titles and relying on existing franchise titles and expanding them...
Last year there were rumours that Arnold Schwarzenegger might be heading to his first action drama series and today comes the confirmation that Netflix has given the greenlight to an eight-episode series (as yet untitled) created by Nick Santora (who also ran Quibi‘s The Fugitive) and produced by Skydance TV....
As we noted at the weekend, the changing face of modern television has allowed some of the networks to have other options than the basic renewal/cancellation of previous years. It was rumoured that CBS might take some of its more niche shows – the ones with loyal followings but...
This week sees many of the major US television networks and platforms presenting their ‘upfront’ information: starting to roll-out details of their planned line up for next season… Industry site Deadline is reporting that two popular current CBS seriesmay well be permanently absent from the schedules when the 2021-2022...
We now have a firm date and some of the first footage for what will be the last series of Bosch on its current Amazon Prime Video platform. The series, based on the character created by Michael Connelly and featuring in over two decades worth of novels, is/was the first...
Despite being a popular show, though never a huge ratings success, FOX‘s Prodigal Son won fans for its mix of procedural cases, dark humour and serial-killer vibe. However, as the networks start to plan their 2021-2022 schedules for later in the year, it has just been announced that the...