For more than one generation Toy Story holds a special place in the collective heart. The Pixar movie about the quest of two ‘rival’ toys – astronaut Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Tim Allen) and Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks) (and their friends) to escape larger-than-life perils in suburbia was...
Joe Gardner (Jamie Foxx) is a middle-school band teacher who takes pride in inspiring the students of tomorrow even if it can be difficult and with few rewards in the short-term. It was never what he intended to do, but his family made sacrifices along the way to ensure...
Pixar have been known not just for their feature-film length productions but also for the ‘shorts’ that often run ahead of those. For every Finding Nemo/Dory, Inside Out, Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Wall-E and Brave there’s been the likes of memorable quicker entries such as La Luna, For the Birds,...