It was announced a few weeks ago that Disney was actively working on two superhero spin-offs for the subscription-platform part of its empire, due to launch towards the end of 2019. Impressively, both Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen were being penciled in to reprise their respective cinematic roles as...
It’s the 1990s and Olivia and Hugh Crain and their children (Steve, Shirley, Theo, Luke and Nell), has moved into Hill House, planning to clean it up over the summer months, do a few essential renovations and quickly flip the property, making a profit and allowing them to build...
The first two seasons of Netflix / Marvel‘s Daredevil received generally good to great reviews and it’s largely considered the flagship of the collaboration between the two media giants. That being said, the Defenders limited series left Matt Murdock’s alter-ego critically-injured and with his friends and community believing that...
Cary Joji Fukunaga who rose to prominence after directing the first series of HBO‘s acclaimed True Detective and the 2015 Idris Elba movie, Beasts of No Nation, is the man who will now be steering the next James Bond film. Danny Boyle left the production earlier this month citing...
Add another name to the list of shows supposedly cancelled and sent off into reruns that have subsequently been saved and find themselves moving on to pastures new. The likes of network-jumping Brooklyn-Nine-Nine, The Expanse and Lucifer can now add Designated Survivor to their ranks. The political/action show actually...
Anyone expecting a no-holds-barred martial arts epic for Gareth Evans’ next project – something akin to his acclaimed, groundbreaking action-fests such as Merantau and The Raid films – may have to get ready for something quite different, but no less compelling as the writer/director stretches his muscles in a...
Peter (Michael Peña) is having very bad dreams – where his city and his friends and neighbours are suddenly slain by an attack mounted by lights that come from the sky. His family (including wife Alice – Lizzy Caplan) and co-workers have tried to be supportive but the strains...
Mark Millar has long been the wunderkind of the comics community. His work might not be to everyone’s tastes and he’s proven a deft hand at deliberately courting controversy and infamy with well-managed stunts and Olympic-level self-promotion, but his comics have, without question, taken tried-and-tested comic-book formulas and given...
Seattle-based Will (Theo James) and his fiancée Samantha (Kat Graham) have just found out she’s expecting their baby. When Will is on a business trip to Chicago, he decides to visit Sam’s parents and formally tell them the couple are planning to get married. Sam’s mother (Nicole Ari Parker)...