IMDb tv

  • Harry Bosch continues his ‘Legacy’ on IMDb-TV in May…

    As well as being a best-selling series of novels by Michael Connelly, the Harry Bosch caseload was also turned in to a successful (critically and ratings-wise) for Amazon – becoming their most popular original show. The six seasons of Bosch took many of their storylines from Connelly’s novels, updated slightly...
  • Grift-Rapt: Leverage Redemption renews underdog mission…

    Nearly a decade ago, the Leverage team went their separate ways, still working together occasionally and pursuing their own ways to make the world a better place. But now, on the anniversary of losing one of their number to circumstances even they couldn’t stop, there’s an urge to shake...
  • The Con’s Back On: Leverage looks for ‘Redemption’ in July…

    In an age of rather cynical and dark television, one of the successes of the last decade was the far-more-positive vibes from Leverage. Created by Chris Downey and John Rogers, it told the tale of a group of grifters and con-artists brought together to act like a Robin Hood...