As well as being a best-selling series of novels by Michael Connelly, the Harry Bosch caseload was also turned in to a successful (critically and ratings-wise) for Amazon – becoming their most popular original show. The six seasons of Bosch took many of their storylines from Connelly’s novels, updated slightly...
Nearly a decade ago, the Leverage team went their separate ways, still working together occasionally and pursuing their own ways to make the world a better place. But now, on the anniversary of losing one of their number to circumstances even they couldn’t stop, there’s an urge to shake...
In an age of rather cynical and dark television, one of the successes of the last decade was the far-more-positive vibes from Leverage. Created by Chris Downey and John Rogers, it told the tale of a group of grifters and con-artists brought together to act like a Robin Hood...