Doctor Strange dreams of accompanying a young girl through a swirling vortex in search of the Book of the Vishanti. But though it feels real, the book is a myth and this version of Strange seems far more ruthless, willing to kill the girl and take her powers to...
The new trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, released just ahead of Sunday’s Super Bowl, is the kind of teaser that’s going to be played over and over again and freeze-framed as many times in search of clues (both visual and audio) into what the sequel...
Getting ready to receive a major award for his medical expertise, Doctor Stephen Strange is involved in a catastrophic car crash. But in another universe, he is not driving alone and the outcome is not the severe nerve-damage of the 616 continuity, but the death of his companion, Christine....
Yes, it’s finally here. After a very grainy, incomplete version of the Spider-man: No Way Home trailer was glimpsed across the interwebs this weekend (and SONY and Marvel made swift attempts to curtail its spread) it was only a matter of time before the proper version made its debut....
It might sound like a mystical mistake, but it seems that Marvel‘s planned Doctor Strange sequel – touted at last year’s SDCC as the studio’s first ‘horror’ movie within its universe – might have hit a slight supernatural snag with the announcement that director Scott Derickkson is leaving the...
Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is that kind of doctor for whom the profession has brought riches, fame and more than a slight amount of arrogance. Perhaps they are all well-deserved, but one night it is all snatched away when a terrible traffic accident on a mountain road badly injures...