black mirror

  • Black Mirror: ‘Ashley’ is a tale of Algorithm and Blues…

    Rachel is at that awkward age where she’s deciding whether fitting in to school-life and having friends is the most or least important to her. She tries not to care what others think but is still tempted to take paper in the talent show to prove something to herself....
  • Black Mirror: ‘Smithereens’ – uber-topical tale of death & taxis…

    Chris Gilhaney’s life is not what it was. He divides his time between grief-counselling groups and providing an Uber-like service in his car. Chris (Andrew Scott)  quietly meditates in his taxi, searching for a temporary moment of peace in an existence that is now far too loud for him....
  • Black Mirror: ‘Vipers’ strikes at heart of sexual identity…

    Danny and Karl are long-time friends who party all night and all day and don’t have a care in the world… even Danny’s girlfriend, Theo is often a willing participant in living life to the full. But times evolve and  over a decade later, Danny and Theo have settled...
  • To Blackly Go (through a Mirror, Boldly)…

    Black Mirror has rapidly become one of the most acclaimed anthology series of recent times – at least by those whose tastes lean towards the subversive and fantastical. The brainchild of Charlie Brooker, the elastic nature of the ‘technology with consequences’ remit allows a broad canvas of otherwise connected...