Ben Wheatley

  • Tomb with a Second View: More Lara for 2021…

    The reboot of Tomb Raider / Lara Croft, starring Alicia Vikander (and directed by the suitably named  Roar Uthaug) got a mixed reception  on its 2018 release – for both the final film and its unfeasibly-necked promotional poster.  The movie made an adequate but hardly stellar amount of money...
  • Free Fire

    Unscrupulous Suspects: ‘Free Fire’ feels the burn…

    1980s’ Boston… and a group of ne’er-do-wells meet in a dockside warehouse to conclude a deal for arms. Some want money. Some want guns. Some just want their cut. Nobody trusts anyone else, but everyone wants the deal to go down as smoothly as possible and then to get...