Star Fleet orders the Enterprise to carry out a fly-by and covert scouting of the planet Rygel VII. Pike and his away team had major casualties during their previous visit there several years before, having to cut-short their mission when attacked by warrior-like locals. However, a recent and cursory...
As Fury and Priscilla sit down for a long-overdue heart-to-heart, Talos seeks out a meeting with Gravik in an effort to diffuse the possibility of a coming war. But Gravik suspects a traitor in his ranks and sets up what he perceives as a no-lose scenario. He’ll either start...
With Kingdom flight KA29 just a little off-course, Alice is convinced that the aircraft’s pilot is trying to send them a subtle signal, but despite the growing circumstantial evidence of a hijack, she still has to persuade the powers-that-be that her suspicions should be taken seriously. Counter-terrorism expert Zahra...
Indiana Jones never liked Nazis – too often their pursuit of power got in the way of his pursuit of history. But by the time the 1970s come around, Henry ‘Indiana’ Jones may feel his best days are behind him. He’s lost his family and the students he tries...
As Negan and Maggie try to work out their next move, it turns out they may be wearing out their welcome. And across Manhattan, The Croat is about to test his own new visitor. Stories will be told about the past, but it’s new secrets are going to cause...
The Kingdom Airlines flight from Dubai to London is getting ready for take-off and Sam Nelson has decided to be on it – heading back to the UK to try and talk his ex-wife into trying again, despite her telling him not to come. However, on the usually-routine flight...
La’an Noonien-Singh is bemoaning the isolation that her security position and her ‘augmented’ legacy creates during her everyday life. But coming across a stranger, apparently fatally hit by an old bullet, she is informed that incident in the past has altered the time-line and that she’s now on a...
In the aftermath of the attack in Russia, Maria Hill is dead and Nick Fury looks likely to be taken into custody if his friends don’t act fast. However the damage is already done: Fury’s forces are depleted, the world leaders and news services ponder the implications and Gravik’s...
Months ago, mercenary Tyler Rake was pulled from the Ganges. Stabbed, shot and blown up, he’s closer to death than life. However, his old associates get him to the best medicine that off-the-books money can buy and Rake slowly begins to pull through. Tyler lies in recovery and in...