
  • Hurry up and ‘Fate’: Terminator’s new trailer finally arrives, Darkly…

    We’ve waited quite a while for a new Terminator entry, thanks to the arguments of rights and – frankly – the diminishing quality of the sequels. Even the likes of rival Game of Throners Emilia Clarke and Lena Headey taking turns at being Sarah Connor in different forms didn’t...
  • Schwarzenegger assaulted at South African event…

    It’s sometimes noted that famous actors have an entourage and security that may seem overwhelming and out of proportion. But sometimes there are moments that show why such are needed – because while a majority of people attend promotional events to meet their favourite stars, some come for less...
  • GeniSysters? Terminator’s ladies who relaunch…

    Like many a franchise, the Terminator movies have had their ups and downs and it is generally considered that beyond the first two films (both directed by James Cameron) and an ambitious but ratings-challenged FOX tv series, The Sarah Connor Chronicles (featuring Lena Heady and Summer Glau), the subsequent...