Daryl, Isabelle, Laurent and Sylvie start out on the long trek northwards, but after losing their mule, they find themselves surrounded by a group of young orphans who are initially distrustful of their intentions. After convincing their ‘captors’ that they are merely passing through, Daryl learns that the self-sufficient...
When a man washes up, half-dead on the shores of Southern France it appears he may be just another ‘L’âme Perdue’ or ‘lost soul’. In fact, it’s Daryl Dixon, the survivor of a ‘series of bad decisions’, a long way from home and with no immediate way to return...
Last week’s Walking Dead instalment was very much a classic slice of old-school horror and for the follow-up, the show is certainly not cranking down the tension. In fact, there’s so much duplicity and strategy, blood, sweat and tears in the mix that this feels more like a visit...
In Washington’s capitol building, half-dead figures stagger around looking for brains, a herd mentality as they go after anything that disturbs their routine in the dark and sinister shadows. But enough about the recent news cycle, let’s get to the opener for Season Nine of The Walking Dead… which...