It’s 1955 and Ben leaps into the body of academic Henry McCoy, just in time to find a mortally-wounded fellow professor who manages to grasp about a ‘formula’ and ‘pathfinder’ before dying. Ben realises he’s at Princeton and it becomes clear that as a ‘friend’ of the late professor,...
It’s 1992. Ben finds himself Leaping into Daniel Park the son of a shoe salesman in Los Angeles. The already struggling store is about to face disaster as the full impact of the Rodney King trial verdict ripples across Los Angeles and brings anger, violence and recrimination as furious...
It’s 2000 and despite a seemingly dramatic entrance, it turns out that Ben’s new Leap hasn’t taken him into the middle of a murderous killing spree but on to a Hollywood film-set where he’s become Summer Walsh, the new assistant to fading film star Neal Russell. Addison says that...
It’s 1949. Ben has made the Leap into Agent Robert Cook, a member of Project Sign, an agency that’s a forerunner of Project Bluebook and which looks into UFO sightings. He has arrived in Starlight, New Mexico after an anonymous caller alerted the agency to a case involving two...
It’s 1986: Ben leaps into the body of Lorena, a bank-teller who is about to have a very bad day. The bank in which she works is about to get robbed and history shows that there was a significant loss of life when the police surrounded the bank before...
It’s 1987, somewhere over Russia. After sorting out the timeline and saving Addison, Ben expected to Leap home, but instead he finds himself aboard a secret flight somewhere over Russia and inhabiting the body of ‘Perez’, part of a team assigned to get a very special crate to safety...
It’s 2051 and Ben leaps into a stranger’s body at the Quantum Leap Project…. but it’s a building that is in ruins with only one other occupant. A much older Ian reveals that the sad state of the ruined world is down to a lot of factors, almost all...
It’s 5th August 1971 and after barely surviving his previous Leap, Ben is now in the body of Lois Mitchell, an air stewardess on Transglobal Airlines Flight 349, somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. History recalls that the flight disappeared from radar with minimal wreckage and no clear idea of...
It’s 1954 and Ben Leaps into a consultation with a Dr. Mueller (Patrick Fischler). He’s in the body of a man who the doctor seems to be diagnosing as needing psychiatric treatment – after all, he doesn’t know who he is, where he is or even what year it...