The Avengers managed to restore those snuffed out of existence by Thanos during the Infinity War, but there’s now a sizeable slice of humanity that have re-entered the world that’s gone on for four years without them. Peter Parker and several of his key friends all suffered that fate,...
Though Avengers: Endgame feels very much like the last entry in the current ‘phase’ of Marvel’s movies, there’s still one formal MCU entry to come this year… and this week has seen the release of the spoiler-filled trailer for Spider-man: Far from Home due out in July. Set in...
It was originally expected that the trailer for Spider-man: Far from Home would debut just before Christmas, likely within a few days of the Avengers: Endgame trailer. However the death of President H. W. Bush and various other political events resulted in a delay of both. The Endgame trailer...