Kick-Assets: Rabbit’s ‘Ear’ gets up close and personal…

As stocks and people plummet, can 'Rabbit Hole' put the 'Fun' in Non-fungible assets?

After breaking the code and finally getting into Valence’s files, the question is what can Weir and his very few allies do with the information? Perhaps there’s a chance to draw the elusive ‘Crowley’ out into the open – but it will mean some risky business and spy maneuvers from people who supposedly have no experience.

And when ‘Crowley’ appears to show his face, Hailey is in for a big surprise…



Four episodes into Paramount+‘s not-24-but-24-fans-will-love-it series, Rabbit Hole is playing out with an Enemy of the State vibe coupled with the pace and enthusiasm of a network show – albeit one with a tad more graphic violence and the occasional piece of profanity. And it’s becoming something of a guilty pleasure, not quite must-see as yet, but certainly a show where you can sit down with a bucket of popcorn and enjoy the ride (before turning over to the news and finding some elements are not as far-fetched as you might think.

Yes, there’s a constant suspension of disbelief needed to enjoy Rabbit Hole, though it’s easily done with the brisk pace that keeps you from scoffing too much at developments while scanning every pixel for actual clues. In some ways it’s a cheat-sheet and smorgasbord of every thing you’ve ever quietly wondered about: Big Brother, CCTV, out-of-control money institutions, geo-politics and the fact you’re never invited to any of those really cool parties. In fact, amid the mining of both conspiracy theories and NFTs/bitcoin this week, the most unlikely thing in the whole mix is quite how quickly John’s new allies (Rob Yang’s kidnapped-but-not-dead Homm and probably-already-a-spy Hailey – Meta Golding) act under pressure. Again, differentiating it from 24 and most of the ‘action’ shows out there, there’s a large dollop of humour in the mix… when John notes that the information they’ve got could be the key to everything, or ‘the thermo-exhaust-port for the Death Star‘, Dance’s Ben dryly notes: ‘Is that some nerd thing I’m supposed to understand?‘ (Though Hahn gets the Star Wars reference immediately). The air-duct providing an unaccounted-for weakness in security, Hailey’s eagerness to be involved and Homm’s initial obliviousness to the fact his wife was having an affair also add to the whimsy.

There’s a moment when this already roller-coaster series seems to have pulled yet another fast-one – we think we’re about to finally meet the infamous ‘Crowley’ and it’s Ben that waltzes through the door. We’re only four episodes in and we’re probably thinking ‘Wait, HE’s the villain?‘ and stroking our chin rather than assuming it’s a sleight of hand with Ben merely impersonating his nemesis. Yes, it’s the latter, but as the situation deteriorates, Ben’s cover is blown not only to the meeting but to the distant (real) Crowley who orders Ben and Hailey to be killed. Not a good day to be a fugitive from a megalomaniac.

Veteran director Jon Cassar (24, The Orville) helms another witty, kinetic episode (The Person in your Ear) and we learn a little more about ‘The Intern’ (Walt Klink), though nothing truly defining as yet. We now know from the episode’s early flashback and alternative viewpoint that he was responsible for Xander Arnaz (Jonas Chernick) taking a death-plunge – apparently not taken ‘willingly’ as was the case with Valence. But his life away from casual homicide seems driven by social activism – he and his girlfriend attend a rally. It’s not clear if that’s a genuine concern or an opportunistic one as a cover, but it seems as if it’s the former from the look on his face during a clash with police.

There’s only eight episodes in this series and no word as yet if there’s a plan to wrap it up or continue beyond it. It’s all great escapist fun, but while one can’t imagine wrapping up a global conspiracy before Memorial Day, it’s also difficult to see if Rabbit Hole could have a lengthier and more expansive future if it’s burning through conspiracies and surprises so quickly. Like The X-Files or LOST, mysterious high-stakes are fun for a while, but the secret to success is also in the providing of satisfying answers and with Easter already gone, will this show run and run or has it put all its eggs in one basket-case?


'Rabbit Hole S01  EP04 - The Person in your ear'  (Paramount+ review)
'Rabbit Hole S01 EP04 - The Person in your ear' (Paramount+ review)
  • Story
  • Acting
  • Direction