
  • Star Wars, Nein? A Change of Direction…

    Remember when things were going smoothly in that galaxy far, far away..? It does seem a long time ago… especially with the number of directorial hiccups involved. Only a few months ago, Phil Lord and Chris Miller were jettisoned from the Han Solo movie after months of shooting ( to...
  • Jon Favreau to direct Lion King remake

    Hakuna Matata? Favreau heads back to jungle for ‘Lion King’ remake…

    Jon Favreau has long had a twin career as both actor and director. He will reprise the role of ‘Happy Hogan’ in Spider-man: Homecoming, due out in July 2017 (a role he’s already undertaken in the Iron Man movies from Marvel, the first two of which he also helmed)....
  • All the News, Previews, Reviews, Photos and More from 2015

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In elit mi, rhoncus eget scelerisque vitae, efficitur non dolor. Phasellus tincidunt massa urna, vitae fringilla metus tincidunt quis. Curabitur ut urna tincidunt, tristique lacus sed, vestibulum nunc. Fusce non justo vehicula lectus tempor faucibus. Pellentesque varius turpis magna, a sagittis...